Heaven & Hell ©1995 Jerry Kott

Heaven & Hell ©1995 Jerry Kott

Sunday, September 18, 2011

White line?

                     White line ?

On Sunday, March 20, 2011, I was taking some recycled stuff 
to the garage and I noticed something different, out of the
corner of my eye, about the drive at the shared property line.
I noticed some white at the Property line. Earlier,as I was
 looking out Scott's studio window, we saw a white X on one 
of the spruce's at the property line, near our pond. 
The X was facing us? Kobe had been barking  a little earlier 
that afternoon. He was looking towards the property line at 
the drive. I saw Jesse walking up the drive from near our 
shared property line. I didn't go out to check.

I walked up the drive to see what was there and 
there was this 15 inch wide white stripe painted on 
the drive, from left to right- we documented it. 
I came back to the house and got Scott and he and 
I walked up the drive. At 6:50 PM , Scott called the 
Lower Saucon Township Police to report it.  The line
 appears to be painted with some sort of strange white 
paint . We suspect it has some alter motive other than
 establishing property lines.Under the circumstances,we 
believe that Jesse Repash did it to harass us. The 
Police arrived at 7:20PM, it was starting to getting 

dark. Patrolman Eric Marth arrived first, followed by 
Patrolman Werkheiser. We did most of thetalking with 
Marth at first. We thought it was overkill that 
Werkheiser was there also in another Patrol Car to 
Investigate a white line. This was the 3rd time we 
called the Police in the last 10 days. What we fund 
a bit disturbing was that Werkheiser seemed too 
familiar with the underlying circumstances.Again 
we sensed something staged. He mentioned thathe saw 
Jesse Repash at the Township Building. Jessewas there,
 he said to meet with the zoning Officer.I recall 
Werkheiser saying that that person was there on site
 when the White line was painted. Later in a 
correspondence the zoning officer Chris Granges, 
denighed being there.   As both Policeman were 
standing near the property line with us,Jesse comes 
storming out of his house and down the drive, all 
jagged up and manic waving some papers. The Police 
both hollered for him to get back in the house.Marth 
went into the house to talk with Jesse and then 
came out and both walked down the property line 
discussing something. Werkeiser had commented that 
it wasn't very neighborly that Jesse had not contacted
 us earlier about painting the white stripe on the 
shared road. His painting  the stripe was to 
simply heighten the tension he has continued to create.
I kept asking Werkeiser what the purpose of the stripe 
was and he kept giving a reason about the property line,
he said he was an Engineer in the past. Hewas stating 
something about he having been an engineer and the 
earth moves-he wasn't making sense. He mentioned 
something about "the crew" coming in to develop the 
goat habitat-something like that. He seemed to be 
rattled by our asking question. Like he was struggling 
to stay on script and we were yanking his chain.
 We believe he was lying and knew more, like it was a 
set up of sorts. We told him that Jesse paints the 
property line stake at the drive every
year. What we 
both found disturbing was how indifferent Werkheiser
 was. We wondered why he said "you could save 
yourselves lots of trouble by putting in our own access 
road and giving up the Right of way". He did what 
appeared to be a staged observation of where that road
 would go. We told him that was out of the question and
 we have legal access and will not give it up and we 
paid to have that macadam installed on the Repash 
property. I told him that evenif we had our own road, 
the property lines would not change so what was his 
point. Werkeiser seemed way too familiar with some of 
the details of the situation that gave us the

that his visit was staged in Some way- two policemen 
for such a minor inquiry. We told him that officer 
Patrolman Winter told us recently not to report 
Harassment,like theGolf balls we have found 
(80 of them over time) because it would only 
encourage more harassment. However they stopped 
showing us since we reported it. Winter also told us 
after we told him that we saw Jesse Repash at the 
property line at dusk, facing us, with him holding 
what appeared to be a video camera.Policemen that we 
had contacted a Mediator last year and contacted the 
Repashes to participate in Mediation and they refused 
to go. We offered to pay for the whole thing and they 
refused to go. They responded that they wanted us to 
put in our own road. What we found strange was that 
the Policemen told usthat Jesse was dealing with the 
zoning officers because he was going to get 4 goats 
and some bee hives. Considering the lack of upkeep
 on their property,that isn't being done, we suspect 
that he won't give the goats the proper  care they 
would need. What was also strange was that Werkheiser 
had said the name of the zoning officer who was out 
that day assisting the applying the white stripe. 
We contacted the zoning officer and he said he was never 
at our neighbor's property that day.

Just another day in Paradise?

Any suggestions????????

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