Heaven & Hell ©1995 Jerry Kott

Heaven & Hell ©1995 Jerry Kott

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Chapter 95- Live Bait

Excerpt of a 5 minute video of us going to investigating our mailbox alert on April 22, 2016

We were both working on art and we heard our mailbox alert go off. Sometime ago, after we purchased it, I e-mailed the Lower Saucon Township Police and notified them of the purchase and why the reason being, that we suspect the Repashes did the math and realized the timing of the mail delivery or noticed the alert when the box was opened. It was just a matter of time that our mailbox would be disturbed and we told the Lower Saucon Township Police in an e-mail, that we would investigate any disturbance, day or night--just in case we were baited and then charged with prowling. We also suspect that Jesse had been opening our mailbox to harass us and leaving the door down. After all, we had mail missing and had a  motion activated wildlife camera stolen that was inside our mailbox to deter these actions. What was disturbing is that Haggerty told me that Jesse Repash called to inform them that he found our mail scattered on the road and gathered it up to put it back in our mailbox. Haggerty said Repash called them just in case the camera captured him going into our mailbox. However, I requested from Haggerty that he give us a time and date of this "neighborly deed" and we received nothing from the Lower Saucon Township Police. I believe the camera was stolen after Haggerty's statement.

                       This is an excerpt of the 5 minute   
                       video of us returning to our home  

This is interesting. We wear body cams to walk to our mail box and we document everything. I believe the Lower Saucon Township Police have conspired to protect the Repashes and Brett Schneider over time. The video is 5 minutes long and is HD. These are screen shot videos of the original. Most of the video is us walking out our kitchen door, up the drive and back. The excepts are of interaction with Jesse Repash. Jesse Repash called the police and an officer showed up at our home an hour later. Included here will be the report from the police. It isn't accurate.  We told the officer that we were both wearing body cams and documented the entire event. He expressed no desire to see any evidence--they never have--but he did write a report that barely resembles the truth of what he discussed with us. Many times we believe the reports are skewed in a way to make us look culpable in the circumstances. Maybe the officer should ask Jesse Repash for documentation since he told us that "we were on video and there were cameras everywhere." What we both found interesting was that when he made the statement about video, he sort of waved his arms to the sky. We wondered if we were also on satellite? If you wish a copy of the 5 minute video, just ask. There have been 2 more similar incidences since this when our alert went off at night. One where Jesse was standing next to the road with his phone to his ear--we believe he was pretending he was on the phone as Scott walked by, recording him. Another where we believe he was pretending to be washing their car in the dark (hose and all), feet from Scott as Scott walked by.
                        Report from April 22, 2016
Compare the videos of the interaction and the Police report. Do you see any  link between the two? We wondered if the police were in on this ruse? We don't have clue what the "stay away from each other's mailboxes" is about. This was NOT discussed. Is Jesse making some claim we are messing with his mailbox? If so, state your claim! We also don't believe that Jesse was alone that night. We told the cop that if Jesse wanted to file charges to knock himself out. Charges for what? We told the officer to tell Jesse to be prepared to listen to the dashboard cam recording of his shouting, "fuckwad, shitfag, cupcake, fruit, sally etc." as we egress and ingress on the shared road.

We recently discovered Julius Laslo trespassing on our land, standing over a dead deer he had just shot--we didn't notify the Lower Saucon Township Police. We videotaped our encounter with Julius Laslo on December 4, 2017. The Pennsylvania Game Officer (we e-mailed the Commission), asked us why we didn't call the Lower Saucon Township police first. I told him that we believe that the police have conspired to protect the people responsible for the stalking harassment we've received and the person responsible for the bullet holes already in our property. We believe that since Julius Laslo is a member of the local business community and a home-boy, that the police would just blow smoke.
Can you explain why Jesse Repash call the Police that night? What cause did he have?

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