Heaven & Hell ©1995 Jerry Kott

Heaven & Hell ©1995 Jerry Kott

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Reality Check

There are serious gaps in the dialogue here but I felt that this should be posted. Incidences like the Pig Shit poured on our drive and the Voodoo Chicken placed on our lawn are recent incidences. I haven't posted the photos of the condemned house of our neighbor who has led the charge in harassing and stalking us for years. Karma is a real thing.

Photo taken outside the Northampton County Council Meeting Room On January 17, 2024

 Recently I posted here about there being an opening on the Northampton County Council here in Pennsylvania. The position was to replace an office holder who was recently elected to another County Office. There were no requirements, so  I sent in my Resume for the position  , it was meant to be filled immediately.

I got an e-mail notification of the hearing where candidates were given an opportunity to state their case.  It showed up in an unusual fashion in my spam folder and I had 5 hours to prepare a statement  to present to the Country Council later in the day.  I arrived early with my spouse  for the  January 17 ,  for the 4 PM meeting. The room was pretty full and they had received 25 application for the open position. I read the room with full knowledge that this was not my Tribe.  We sat through a presentation of the newly elected County  DA who was making a presentation to Council for more Money. I didn't get the impression that there was anyone in charge of the applicants so we sat there and listened.  I thought there would be someone checking off names of registered applicants- we didn't see anyone .We got some attention and looks from Council members because we were new to the game.  I sensed there were some serial applicants among the group. The vibe was very awkward. I had read previously that the pick was already made and this was just a dog and pony show for appearances sake. Often in Government, from my perspective, the pick was made inside the loop and this was just window dressing. I viewed this opportunity to seek assistance from the County Council to assist is getting a copy of the Police Investigation of the Bullet holes in our Property. Bullet holes that are there because we won't stay in our lane.

Years ago, it was suggested that I write the then County Chair for assistance in resolving our challenge and get accountability. The reason I was given to write him was it was a known fact  that the Chair had an Out Gay son. I wrote him and have documentation , several times and never received any acknowledgement or response. I have a policy of writing candidates who request a campaign contribution asking them a few simple questions. One of the questions is "Do you believe it is reasonable  to have concerns that you have bullet holes in your property, reported to the police and the police never do an Investigation of the reported crime" I have never gotten any support for resolve from anyone. The officer, who I was to replace if chosen , was to our  home, she was shown the bullet holes. She  mentioned when she arrived at our home, that she brought up our situation with the current DA, John Morganelli and she shared his response , he said "don't get involved " . I have since asked her to explain this comment and she has avoided to respond to my question, I believe she got spooked and used the word "Stray" in a correspondence  where I believe she was looking for wiggle room to toss us under the bus. When I asked her where she got that term, "Stray" she got defensive. As I recalled she didn't respond to future mails. The word "STRAY" can only be used after an investigation of the crime was done.

After the first presentation, we left. The vibe wasn't healthy. I later learned there was a list of the 25 , so I didn't know who had the list   in the room . I didn't want to bring any attention to myself when making an inquiry . I never learn my rank on the list.  It was reported on a local blog that I was a No-Show so I corrected them. I corrected them and sent the administrator my copy of my prepared  statement. My spouse took photos of me outside the room as proof I was there in good faith. Also on that blog, a poster recommended my blog as a good read.
As it turned out, the presentation went on for 5.5 HOURS. What was alarming was my spouse and I and 2 county workers were the only ones wearing Mask in a windowless conference room. THAT, I would say was a primary reason, we weighted  the risk, and left. I suspected by the vibe, it was hours of Ax Grinding. Since I am not part of the Political Food Chain, I felt I did my thing. I wrote the Administrator and shared my statement and plan to share my perspective with the entire Council. The salary for the position is $9.500.00 per year and the term is 2 years

Another Day In Paradise

My statement I was prepared to read in the Council Chambers.

My name is Gerald Kott, Jerry Kott, I am 73 years old. I am an out Gay man, partnered for 52 years, married for 7. I have jointly owned property in Lower Saucon Township for 41 years.  I mow my lawn. I mind my business and I report crimes when I experience them and when I see them.
I keep my ear to the ground. I stay informed locally and nationally and internationally. I was born and raised in Dauphin County by community active parents. My father was Mayor of my small town and he set an example growing up as to how to speaking Truth to Power.  He also was a Reporter for a small town Newspaper. I have a BS in Art Education from Kutztown University

This is not your Grand Parents Northampton county anymore. I am an Outsider on many levels and can bring a fresh perspective with reasonable confidence and reasonable doubt to meet somewhere in the middle 

Professionally, I have played with the big Boys. I moved to NYC as a young man after college and experienced what America use to be. I was pioneering in my chosen professions and received acknowledge for my pioneering vision , nationally and internationally.
 I am in relatively good health. I have been diagnosed with CPTSD and Aspergers Syndrome ( I am high functioning Autistic).
I am not a Game Player but a Team Player when the goals are ethical and clear and the community's best interest in on the table. I am inclusive and understand being excluded  having been an outsider looking in.

I hope to bring a perspective as someone with well developed Courage and integrity. I know the difference between Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and I have a severe allergy to BS.

Thank you

Jerry Kott

Sunday, January 19, 2020

101- doesn't make sense/hidden agenda?

Dad ? -edited

Something about this event didn't smell right and still doesn't- a HIDDEN agenda. The dots don't connect. A elderly man showed up at our kitchen door at 9:15 am on January 17, 2020 , asking for permission to look  for a wounded deer he wounded with an arrow near by. It wasn't clear as to where he wounded it but they appeared to come up from the bottom of our land. By they, I mean he and his son, Jeffrey Johnston,  who lives in the hood on Alpine Drive. From what we were told, Jeffrey Johnson is a police officer for the Hellertown Pennsylvania Police Department. Hellertown is a near-by town. We live in Lower Saucon Township and we believe they have their own force. The elderly man introduced himself as Jeffrey Johnson's father. We never met Jeffrey  but I have waved to him. I spoke with his wife some time ago to get permission to take a window they had at Alpine Drive for trash pick up. We wonder why he didn't come to our door for permission instead of his father. We were surprised he didn't make the request. We thought it was strange.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Instant Karma chapter 100

                             Oct 12, 2019 Wipe Out
                                                             wipe out scene

This happened on October 12, 2019. Scott takes our dog for a walk at a scheduled time, give or take 15 minutes. It is not hard to stalk us and get an idea of our movements and timing.  He had just gotten back and was on the plateau with our dog and he heard a roar like he never heard before. It sounded like multiple  ATVs gunning their engines and going fast to get the sound effect and our attention near the shared property line with the Repashs. We believe this was meant to mock us, mimicking the activity of Jesse Repash and Brett Schneider  that took place many times and was recently described in a letter to Priscilla DeLeon, chair of the Lower Saucon Township Council.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

chapter 99-gun fire

                     February 27, 2018, working in the yard

There is and has been this pattern for some time. When we are working in our garden we begin to hear gunfire from Brett Schneider's property. On Sunday, February 25, 2018 we started to clean up our vegetable garden for a new season. We were both wearing flash orange, very visible. We heard what sounded like toy cannon fire which we believe was to alarm us and get our attention--the sound coming from Schneider's garage region. We documented the event and we started to record as we worked. We didn't rubber neck because we believe we were being watched. Then as we continued to rake we heard and recorded what sounded like a carbide cannon and a gun shot within seconds of each other. 3 years ago, I took out a bamboo grove 7 feet wide and 50 feet long where our vegetable garden is now. I hand-cut 500 stalks of bamboo and removed the root balls. The process was endless and took months. After it was discovered that I was regularly working in the garden region, there was predictable presence from the Schneider shared property line that we believe was meant to be disruptive, unsettling and menacing. Sounds would be made to get my attention. Bad imitations of dogs barking and strange guttural sounds were predictable. I continued to work and at times I documented. Often we would hear Jesse Repash's John Deere or ATV go up Alpine and come down to the rear of Schneider's property and just hang out and harass me as I worked. Too often when I was coming out of the house after taking I break, I would hear a male voice holler "here he comes" as I left our house to continue working. I also stacked all 500 stalks upright to cure, then after months moved them to a spot where they would interfere with the sightline from Schneider's property. And often, as I was working, there would be gun fire. 

                                                  February 27, 2018, weed whacking grasses

Friday, February 23, 2018

chapter 98 -Hunter

                           Encounter with Trespasser

We were cleaning out our rain spouting of debris at the rear of our home on Dec. 4, 2017 and we heard a loud single shot from our property. It was alarming and we decided to investigate. We don't investigate gunfire from other's property, but this came from our land nearby--too close for comfort. We put on our flash orange coats and hats and we walked towards the source of the gunshot. I was recording when we left our home vicinity. We followed the sound. Walking on our meditative path we discovered a hunter, Julius Laslo trespassing on our land standing over a dead doe he had just killed feet from the path. We didn't know who he was, he was a stranger to us. We approached him, still recording and told him he was trespassing . He seemed agitated by my persistence and we both were disturbed by his comment of "I am being nice".

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Chapter 97 -twisted

                       Leaving Aug.20, 5:44 PM, 2017

If we get our car out of the garage and park in on our drive--as if we were going to be leaving our property, especially in warmer weather--we believe it increases the risk of a passive/aggressive action from Jesse Repash. Actions like Jesse standing at his door, uttering "fuckwad" and actions similar to this. There have been many times where it appears he tried to beat us to the drive on one of his outdoor vehicles just to harass us. There have been times he has tailgated us on the drive to create alarm. There has been a decrease in events that we believe has occurred because Repash doesn't have the opportunities to twist the event to be happenstance. Scott is no longer commuting to NYC for work 4 days a week on a schedule, so our actions aren't predictable. As I say, getting our car out of the garage and parking it on our drive seems to be a reliable factor for being guarded.
We have been having a somewhat regular schedule of leaving at that time and it created a pattern. 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Chapter 96 -Gun fire

                                        Gun shot             

This video is from Oct. 6, 2016. We were having dinner and I kept hearing an unusual noise coming from outside our home which wasn't familiar. Earlier in the day we kept hearing truck air brakes coming from the shared property line with Bret Schneider( the neighbor who he and his son stole our Barn Wood). We could see a large orange truck through the trees, maybe the township was doing some work on private property? Anyway the noise continued and I walked outside onto our drive to get a perspective as to where the sound was coming from as we were eating dinner- a revving engine sound. We always stand in a certain spots so our home security get us while we are investigating. I started to hear an ATV coming down Alpine drive from Schneider's property and started to record just in case, then it turn down Nursery Lane( our shared road), then I heard and recorded a single gun shot, possibly possibly 9mm. I stood and recorded the rest of this video just in case there were anymore gun shots then I came into our house. There are some details I am not including but are on the video.

For the record. We have bullet holes in our property, reported to the police and no legitimate investigation was done of the crime by the Lower Saucon Township Police. The bullet holes line up with the similar position from which this gun was fired. I have no idea what direction the gun was pointing when the trigger was pulled yesterday. We did not call the police to report this event because we believe and have documentation that we believe supports our belief that our Lower Saucon Township Police have been indifferent and dismissive to the many crimes that have occurred with us being the victim. We believe their incident reports are close to being works of fiction. Often the police can't seem to control their grimaces when we express our concerns in the past. We even had one patrol infer we could have fabricated evidence that he would not look at .

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